The Importance of Creative Workers
At the time this task was given I had trouble finding people that worked in the creative industry. Many people canceled on me, and even scheduled a time, and decided they didn't want to be recorded. I was left feeling confused, as my understanding regarding creative workers in the creative industry was slim. Starting I had troubles, although when I asked one of my fellow professors, Dr. Brian Goss for help, he emailed me back at around 1 am just minutes after I sent the email asking him to be my interviewer. While I was conducting the interview I asked around 12 questions that cover different topics regarding working in the creative field.
Dr. Brian Goss works both writing and conducting research, and as a professor teaching communications at Saint Louis University Madrid campus. Dr. Goss has let me know that he has worked in many places before SLU Madrid, but that he disliked them due to that they didn't give him a full paying salary. Also, he said that "many places that wanted to hire me were in the middle of nowhere with not that much to offer."
In the reading by Hesmondhalgh and Baker talked about how, “for many people nowadays, the degree to which their job offers the chance for them to be creative is an important feature of its quality. People can of course be creative in any kind of work but some types of employment are commonly thought to offer greater possibilities for creativity than others.” Relating this reading to what Dr. Goss said to me, it was similar. Dr. Goss explained to me that there are not that many things he would change about his job or work life, and how he finds great aspiration going to places with noise to write.
Dr. Goss acknowledged the benefit of being a writer and working for a school with good benefits, and happiness because it's what he likes to do. Although, Dr. Goss explained to me that in the pandemic, he hadn't used much technology, as he said," I had never had to use technology before, and I purchased a computer then." Even though there were some challenges with living amid a pandemic, Dr. Goss found a way to both teach and write while the world was suffering from a worldwide pandemic.
What I found most interesting regarding what Dr. Goss said to me that conducting research is one of the best parts of his job which I think was interesting due to that there are not that many people out there that like conducting research for other people to see.
I liked my interview with Dr. Goss due to that I had never gotten the chance to talk face to face amid a pandemic with someone that has published many papers and taught many students in the field of communication. I have also gotten the chance to practice my interview skills with someone that is an interesting person due to that there are not many people out there that love their job to move to a new country to practice it.
Works Cited
Hesmondhalgh and Baker Can creative labor be good^.pdf
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